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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Jack testicle-shrimp mashed


* 1 cup of jackfruit testicle
* 1 cup small shrimp
* Red chili 7-8
* Garlic clove 2
* Half a teaspoon of turmeric
* 2 Table spoon of Musterd oil
* Chop onion, half a cup
* Salt according to taste


* Jack testicle rub to cleaned.
* You must clean the shrimp cook with turmeric and salt 
* Then boil the testicle properly
* fry the chili in a pan with oil.
* Take chili out of oil
* Put the onion, garlic and shrimp in same oil and fry a little.
* Paste the Jack seeds on Rock plank,
* Coarsely crush the shrimp
* Mix properly with oil and onion to create the mashed.

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