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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Bhetaki posto.


Vetki Fish - 500 g
White sesame paste - 1 table spoon
Poppy paste - 2 table spoon
Musterd Oil - 4 table spoons
Salt, sugar- as taste
Green chilli - 4/5
Copped Onion - half a cup
Ginger paste - half a table spoon
Hot water - 1/4 cup
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp


Marinate the fish, with Salt, Turmeric,   .
 Poppy, sesame, ginger paste, salt, sweet,  mix 2 spoon oil, leave for 1 hour.
Put rest 2 table spoon of oil on pan. put Chopped onions in the hot oil.
When it becam  light brown put the marinate fish. take the flame bit down, put green chilli.
When start cooking cover with pan cap.
move once in a while.
when fishe are cooked, its ready to serve.

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