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Thursday, April 25, 2013

Brinjal Vorta.

Brinjal (big size) 1 pcs, onion slice half cup, Coriander leaves slice, Green chilli slice 5/6 pcs, salt as tasted.Mustard oil as needed.


1) Wash unbroken Brinjal and cut it into 2 pcs. Mix little oil and salt on it. Put it on a fry pan and splash up little 

water. Cover it and Let it burn.

2) After being boiled discover it’s shell

3) put these ingredient (slicing onion, coriander leaves, green chilly) in another dish, mix little salt and mustard 

oil. Also add boiled brinjal with all ingredients and knead with hand properly and make brinjel vorta 

(NB. Before kneading wash your hand with soap and after if you like)

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